Fun Things So Far - Jun-Aug, 2022

 As I've neglected my blog for the majority of this year, I've realised that there has been quote a few events I've missed out on blogging about so I thought I'd write about all my favourite moments from this year and put it all into the one blog post. 

*As I was writing this blog post, I realised there has been some things that have happened that I'd like to make a full post about so there will be more posts coming your way at some point in the future😄

Near the end of January, I got two baby guinea pigs - Peanut-Butter and Biscuit. I had lost my little Ginger in November last year and while I didn't fully feel ready to move on, I needed a pet in my life as Ginger had almost become like a therapy animal and I had a pet shaped void. Peanut-Butter and Biscuit tolerate each other but they don't exactly seem to like each other😄 However, they've been great and I've loved watching their little personalities come through and seeing them bond with me.

 In March, I had my first ever proper interview. I had developed a really horrible cold in the week leading up to the interview and on the day of the interview was probably when I felt the worst. I honestly can't really remember how the interview went and I definitely didn't prepare as much as I wanted to - but maybe it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I was too ill to even feel worried or nervous about the interview, I just wanted it to be over so I could go home😄 I must have done well enough though because I managed to get a job for the year out of it! I'm just really hoping when I go for an interview next year that things go well.
In that same month, almost a week later, I finally had a proper university graduation! It was a little weird going from interviews and working to being back at uni to graduate. It was a really lovely day though. My family and I got an early train into Glasgow, the weather was perfect, I had the robes on and got to sit on the stage. The actual ceremony was over fairly quickly but I had a nice time spending the day with my family. 

Spring break was in April and I did a bunch of fun things like going for a long walk with my mum to having a full day out with some friends on a road trip to Moffat where we explored the town and climbed the Grey Mare's Tail. It was a really nice day and it was great to go on a proper little adventure and explore new places.

My brother and I saw Billie Eilish live at Glasgow and she was amazing! I forgot how much I really enjoy concerts and I was so glad that my first post-covid concert was to see Billie. She performed her then unreleased song 'TV' which has become one of my favourite songs of the year.
I officially completed my first year of teaching!
I celebrated my 23rd Birthday by going out for breakfast and dinner - simple things!

Went on my first holiday since 2019. I spent just over two weeks in France and that time was well spent and packed full of so many trips and adventures (blog post coming soon!) I had a great time and it was so brilliant being back in France again and visiting some of my favourite places again after having not had the chance to go in a few years.

I went pottery painting for the first time and had a blast! I'm not the best at painting in general never mind on things other than paper but I had a brilliant time and was with friends who I hadn't seen in a few months so it was a great time. We then had a pizza picnic at Glasgow Green which I'd also highly recommend.
I went to the Edinburgh Fringe festival with a couple of friends and had a brilliant time! We had drinks in different places, watched some street performers, sat in a beer garden, went to see a show and ended the night in an Irish pub which was loads of fun (proper blog post about this day coming soon!)
I visited St. Andrews for the first time and went to the beach (St Andrews has the softest sand I've ever felt!) It was a really nice day and I spent a lot of time laughing and chatting nonsense with my friends which I loved!

So there's a little rundown of some of my favourite moments of 2022 so far. This year has been one of the more "normal" years I've had since the Covid-19 lockdowns. It's been nice to get back to doing the things I'd done in the past as well as being able to try out a bunch of new things too.

What have you been up to this year?

Bye for now, xo


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