An Autumn Bucket List

With life starting to get a little busier again due to various uni-related work, I thought it would be a good idea to create a little list of some things I would like to find the time to do this season. I feel like I always look forward to this time of the year and there's always plenty of things I'd like to do.

Read by the fire

My family home got a new fireplace at the end of last year - it's one that actually lights real fire, unlike the last one which was just one of those electric ones - and as cheesy/clichéd as it sounds, I'd really love to get all cosy with a hot chocolate and read a good book.

Decorate with Autumnal decor

I've already decorated my room with my various autumnal decorations/lights. I'd really like some more Autumnal decor but I think I'm going to try and make my own. 

Autumnal crafts

While scrolling through Pinterest, I came across a variety of Autumn-related arts and crafts that I'd love to try whenever I find the time to. A number of years ago, I recreated this  leaf jar and it turned out really well. Unfortunately I broke the jar and had to bin it so I'm hoping to make a new one this year because I think they look really cosy and autumnal. 

Have a Halloween movie night with friends

With some Covid restrictions back in place, a movie night in with friends is currently something we can't do at this moment (although I'm really hoping that we'll all be able to get together by the end of the month ... or year). For now, I'll settle for having Halloween movie nights with my brother😄

Make Halloween themed snacks

To go along with a movie night, I'd love to have some Halloween themed snacks (again, inspired by Pinterest).

Make the time to go for walks

With uni being online this year, I've found that I've not been getting out of the house as much as I would have otherwise. Days can go by where I've not set a foot outdoors and I just don't think it's too healthy for me (body and mind). So I'm going to try my best to schedule in some outdoor time - time away from the computer screen and away from various uni-related tasks - just to let my mind (and eyes!) relax and get my body moving out of the same seated position it finds itself in the majority of the time now.

Go to a pumpkin patch 

Every singly year I've said I'd love to go to a pumpkin patch and every single year I end up not going. In all my 21 years of life, i've never been to a proper pumpkin patch and it's something I've pretty much always wanted to do. (Maybe I'm subconsciously worried that I've built it up in my head to be this amazing thing and I don't want to be let down by reality😄 - but no! positive thoughts, I'm sure it would be great so here's hoping this is the year I finally do it!)

Carve pumpkins 

I love carving pumpkins - and who knows, maybe this will be the year I carve the pumpkins I've picked from a pumpkin patch!😄 I'm not even that great at carving pumpkins and can only really do the one face but I still enjoy it nonetheless.

Enjoy long, hot baths

I feel like I enjoy baths more during the colder months. There's just something so nice about coming in after a walk outside and going straight for a relaxing bath with a good book and a hot chocolate. 

Take autumnal photos outdoors 

 Ever since getting my new camera for my Birthday, I've taken every opportunity humanly possible to get out and use it. I'm particularly looking forward to the Autumn/Winter months as I'm sure these will provide new photography opportunities. I often wish I was more confident/comfortable in front of the camera, because I would love to have an autumnal photoshoot😄 - I'll stick to being behind the camera taking photos of trees and leaves.

What are some of the things you'd like to do this season?

Bye for now, xo


  1. Wow I love your list! I am sooo waiting for those leaves to turn orange and red and yellow! I love getting outdoors in the Fall!


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