I can't believe it's my favourite time of the year already (and that it's almost one week until Christmas and that I haven't had a blog post up yet this month!). As you're all very much aware, Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year; it's the time of year I'm always most looking forward to. I've loved it since I was little and I'm glad that love has carried through into the start of my adult life. A lot of things are very different this year, more so than they have ever been before, and with so many changes and life things going on, I was a little worried that I wouldn't be feeling the Christmas spirit as much this year. However, I've been actively trying to make time to do fun little festive things and really appreciate this time of year.

It used to feel as though it took ages to get to the 25th of December, the whole month seemed to just drag in, but now I'd give anything to slow time down a little. This month always goes in the quickest now and I find myself wanting more time to just enjoy the lead up to Christmas day since that's my favourite part.
I really miss uni for the one reason that I always got almost the whole month of December off which meant I was free to do so many different festive things! This year, however, I don't finish work until the 22nd which means I'm trying to fit things in around that time as much as possible. As I was thinking about wanting to enjoy the lead up to Christmas, it got me thinking of all of the things I enjoy doing at this time of year. So, of course, I had to turn these little thoughts into a blog post! Here are some fun-filled festive things to do at this time of year:
I quite enjoy having a little wonder around Christmas markets whilst Christmas music blasts from speakers. There's just something so festive about it all. Though I definitely prefer going when it's not as crowded/packed full of people.
Ice skating is one of my absolute favourite things to do and it's something that I don't do that often since there are no rinks that close by to me. I love outdoor skating rinks and how festive they make me feel.
I love garden centres in general but they're always especially brilliant at this time of year with all the decorations and lights up everywhere. I love going out for breakfast and then going for a little look round at everything. Near to where I stay, there are about five garden centres all very near to each other so you can really make a nice little morning out of it, going around all of the garden centres and seeing how each has chosen to decorate. It always puts me in a festive mood.
Christmas movie nights in with friends
There's just something so comforting about having a movie night in with friends, especially at Christmas time. You can stick on all your festive favourites (Mines is 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' - the 2000s version) with a mug of hot chocolate. It's always such a fun, chilled night.
Autumnal/Winter walks are perhaps my favourites (especially is it's a little frosty outside but the sun is shining). I really hope it snows this year because sunny snow walks are the absolute best - pair a snowy walk with a thermos of bailey's hot chocolate and you'll have the best time😄
I'm really not much of a baker but theres something about this time of year that always makes me want to try. On those dark afternoons, with a hallmark Christmas movie playing in the background, making festive shaped cookies or something, it just sounds so cosy.
I may not be much of a baker but I can assemble a ginger bread house with ready-made ginger bread biscuit! A Christmas Eve tradition my family has is getting together to make ginger bread houses and it's always something I find so fun. I never remember to actually eat the ginger bread but at least it looks good when it's all assembled.
See all of the Christmas lights
Something I use to really love doing when I was younger was driving around to see all of the neighbourhoods' Christmas light displays. Some people really go all-out and I love it! You can stay all toasty in the car with the Christmas tunes playing out, looking at all of the festive lights everywhere.
I always find that as soon as the decorations are up, Christmas time has really begun! I actually put all my decorations up at the end of November to make them last longer (especially as this time goes in so quickly!)
Go to a pantomime
One of my absolute favourite things about this time of year, when I was younger, was going to see pantomimes. I used to love when the actors would break character because of something ridiculous. I also used to really enjoy watching the pantomimes from the 90s which aired on ITV2 (petition to bring them back on air please😄).
What's on your festive to-do list?
Bye for now, xo
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