Life Lately - Nov, 2020

 You know in movies when everything/everyone moves in slow motion right before suddenly speeding up? That’s what life has felt a bit like recently. 

From about March until September, life felt fairly slow - almost at a standstill if I’m honest - and then it was like as soon as uni started back up, everything picked up and I felt like I was struggling to keep up with everything. 

Life lately has just been a constant cycle of days spent staring at a computer screen for hours on end trying to keep on top of uni work. I feel like I’ve had practically no time for anything else and if I do find myself doing other things, I feel guilty for it. Today has been the first day in ages where I’ve taken a day off - I’ve still got much to do, but I’ve realised that I actually needed the time away from it all. I still haven’t found that work/life balance I was aiming for.

I’ve just been missing normal life stuff. I know everyone’s probably sick of hearing this, but this year has been so strange and I just really miss some sense of the normalcy of previous years. I miss being able to see friends whenever/wherever; going to visit my grandparents without worry; even actually travelling into uni (which is something I never thought I’d be saying!)

I feel bad about complaining about it all though because I know we’re all in similar situations and trying to handle things as best we can (and you probably don’t need to hear a stranger on the internets complaints😄)

So I’d like to end this post on a more positive note by listing three things I’m looking forward to despite everything:

  1. It’s almost December which means we’re almost at my favourite month of the whole year and I fully intend on making the most of this Christmas!
  2. Speaking of Christmas, I’ve seen so many people on Instagram who have decorated already and I’m loving it! I’m decorating next weekend which I’m so looking forward to!
  3. I (hopefully) have a week of placement at the start of December and I really hope things go well (especially as it’s my last ever uni placement😅). 

Hope you’re all doing as well as you possibly can at the moment and if there’s anything you’re looking forward to I’d love to hear about it!

Bye for now, xo 


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