Things I'm Looking Forward To Doing Again
I think if I take anything away from this whole pandemic experience is to never take the every day things for granted again. It was so easy to go wherever whenever - especially places like the supermarket - without even giving it much thought. It was just a general part of our daily lives that we would do without even thinking about it. Or going out of the house, meeting up with friends, just all of these things that the majority of us would have even though twice about. Now we're very limited to what we can do and who we can see; so many places and establishments are shut down for the foreseeable. Our brilliant NHS and essential workers are continuing to work tirelessly through this whole pandemic. It just feels as though life has almost been put on hold for the moment. In order to try and maintain positivity in some form, I have decided to think ahead to the things I'm looking forward to once this lockdown comes to an end.
1. Visit family
I'm really missing visiting the family members who are not in my immediate family (because if I'm honest, we'll probably need a break from one another once this is over😄). I miss seeing my grandparents. Talking on the phone is definitely not the same at all. I can't wait to have lunch at my Gran & Grandads and have Grans soup and I can't wait for a catch up with my wee Grannie. My grandparents all live fairly close to me so it's been weird not being able to just freely pop over whenever I've felt like it. Being on lockdown has also meant that I could't see my cousin on his Birthday and it would have been nice to see him ... and his dogs😄.
2. Do something with friends
I don't even care what we do - we could go out, have dinner, spend an evening playing games or watching movies - I don't care! I just want to see them all and spend time in their presence and chat absolute nonsense for hours on end. Face-timing's fine (because it needs to be at the moment) but I'm not really the biggest fan of face-timing, I would much rather we were all in the same place together
3. Go to Costa with my brother
Before being put on lockdown, my brother and I went to Costa pretty much every second week, usually for breakfast. I'm missing Costa's iced vanilla latte and the cosy atmosphere of the place. I guess the good thing about not being able to go has been that I've been saving money but still😄
4. Go round all of the garden centres
If you have been reading my blog for a while, I'm sure you'll know just how much I enjoy a good stroll around all of the garden centres (because I'm a little grannie at heart). Especially so now that it's spring time and flowers are starting to bloom and there's been a few sunny days which have really put me in the mood for a little garden centre trip followed by some cake and hot chocolate from the cafe there!
5. Go for drives and find other places to walk
I really enjoy going for walks and I'm really lucky to live in a place that has many various country roads to walk along and woodland areas to explore. However, I do miss the days where my family and I would drive somewhere else to go for a walk and explore new places.
I thought I'd limit this list to just five things because there's a lot more that I'll be looking forward to once things begin to return to "normal".
What are you looking forward to being able to do again?
Bye for now, xo
I really enjoy going for walks and I'm really lucky to live in a place that has many various country roads to walk along and woodland areas to explore. However, I do miss the days where my family and I would drive somewhere else to go for a walk and explore new places.
I thought I'd limit this list to just five things because there's a lot more that I'll be looking forward to once things begin to return to "normal".
What are you looking forward to being able to do again?
Bye for now, xo
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