What I Love This Time of Year

Remind me again why I was so looking forward to returning to uni😅 In all honesty, it's actually been pretty good so far, I just need to find that uni/work/life balance again now that I’m back to it. But anyway, it’s finally one of my favourite months of the year - October! Which basically means that my blog posts for this month are all going to be about Autumn (I apologise in advance if these aren’t your favourite types of posts to read😄!)

There’s so many different things that I love about this month so I thought I’d take some time to write about a few of these things here on my blog.

Chocolate covered apples - Whenever I was younger and would go trick-or-treating, one of the houses I went to would always give out toffee apples. It was like a traditional Halloween food and I used to love them. However, as the years have went on, I’ve found that I actually prefer the chocolate covered apples to the toffee ones. Tesco sell pre-made chocolate covered apples at this time of year so whenever I eat them, I’m still reminded of Halloween time. 

Looking through cute autumnal Pinterest pictures - Whenever I want to get into the autumnal spirit, I’ll always go straight to Pinterest and look up all the cozy, orange-toned pictures. I also use Tumblr for the same purpose - of looking up autumnal pictures - but this year I think I’ve been preferring Pinterest for all my Autumn picture needs😄

Going for walks -  I love when it’s sunny at this time of year because it’s still much cooler outside which makes for the perfect walking weather, especially if there's some slight frost on the ground. I love passing all the trees with their golden, orange and red leaves while also walking through all the leaves piled up at the sides of roads. Also, whenever it’s sunny at this time of year, I like to try and go for early morning walks when the air is crisp outside and everything is so quiet and peaceful. 

Having Halloween movie days - I’ve mentioned in previous posts about my love for movies that are set during this time of year so it’s probably no surprise to anyone that’s one of my top things to do whenever there’s a dark, rainy day, is to spend the day inside snuggled up watching all my favourite Halloween-y movies like Hocus Pocus and Casper or of course having a Harry Potter marathon.
(I did a whole blog post last year on my favourite movies to watch in October)

Blogging - I’ve really been enjoying blogging in general this year but there’s always a special place for me for my blog at this time of year. It was in October a couple of years ago where I first created my blog and every time in the past that I’ve tried to blog, it’s always been at this time of year. Autumnal blogs have always been amongst my favourites to read and to create myself. I feel like I don’t even have the proper time in this month anymore to work on blog posts because October is usually when I’m back in the full swing of uni work, but I still enjoy writing blog posts at this time of year whenever I can. 

I  narrowed down my list to five main things that I love about this time of year (so as to not make this post far too long😄). 

What do you enjoy during October/Autumn?

Bye for now, xo 


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