Things I'm Looking Forward To

I can’t believe we’re now heading into the last four months of the year! It feels like every year is going by faster and faster. My gran told me that’s usually how it feels as you get older, if that’s the case then the years are going to absolutely fly in😄

Anyway, since we’re heading into probably my favourite months of the year, it got me thinking ahead to some of the things I'm looking forward to. As much as I like to try and stay focused and in the present, it is nice to have things planned ahead to get excited for. I thought I'd share a few of these on my blog.

Going back for my 3rd year in university 
This is something I never thought I’d  even be thinking! My first two years at uni have left me on a rollercoaster of emotions. I’ve had some pretty low times and also some great times since starting. My first year was definitely tough for me, but the second was a lot easier. I’m really hoping that my third year will be even better still. It’s felt like I’ve been away from uni for ages (it’s been close to five months so it has been a fairly long time - my summer holidays are really long!😄) so I’m looking forward to getting back into more of a routine and to see the friends I only really see when I’m at uni. 

Autumn & Halloween
This is something I’m really excited for! It’s no secret here on my blog that I’m a huge Autumn and Winter lover - I’ve written many a blog post about things to do with this time of year and I’m looking forward to creating more cosy Autumn blog posts for this year. I’m looking forward to the leaves changing to all the cosy autumnal colours and for it to be a little cooler outside. I’d really like to to go to a proper pumpkin patch this year and further embrace the whole season. I also can’t wait to watch all my favourite Halloween-y movies.

Cosy nights in with friends
Something I really love about this time of year is the excuse to stay in😄 As much as I enjoy going out, sometimes I prefer to just stay in with friends, have a few drinks and have a movie or game night (especially as the nights get colder). I've already got a movie night on the horizon so I can't wait to catch up with all my closest friends and laugh about daft stuff and sit up chatting about nonsense into the early morning hours.

Winter Walks

I'm really looking forward to the cooler days, the days when theres frost on the ground but it's still sunny. That's my favourite type of weather for going out for walks in. Then coming back and getting cosy with a mug of hot chocolate! The other day here, it was pretty sunny outside and it was a little cooler than it had been and it made me excited for these sunny autumn days.

Christmas Time

This is obviously still quite a while away yet, but of course I'm looking forward to my most favourite time of year! However, I will hold off from talking about Christmas until the right time comes, I want to focus more on Autumn/Halloween first😉

What are you looking forward to?

Bye for now, xo


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