Achievable Goals for 2019


So, it's officially 2019! Whaaaattt?! This year I really want to try and begin to become the best version of myself - the healthiest and happiest version. I don't really like setting "new years resolutions" because I know I never stick to any of them (expect for the one "stop biting nails" which I actually managed to achieve about two years ago! It only took me around 10 years to finally kick that habit😄) but if ever any of my goals became "too hard" or felt unachievable, I would just give up and tell myself that I'd "try again next year" and then it just became a whole cycle every year. This year, I thought I'd try and set myself some achievable goals for this year, or just things that I want to try and do/work towards throughout the year.

  • This year I definitely want to work more on my fitness and on eating healthier. This is something I always aim to work on every year however, last year I feel that I put my health and fitness to the side, so much so that I wasn't actually doing anything at all about keeping fit or eating the best. This has inevitably meant that I'm not in the best shape and therefore not feeling so great about it. This year I'd like to try and stay fit and make healthier choices when it comes to food (this will include trying to not comfort eat whenever I'm feeling stressed!) Joining a gym is a little bit out my comfort zone (I used to go a couple of years ago but it really wasn't for me) I'm going to go walking more often and doing home workouts which I used to do all the time and quite enjoyed. I also really want to be able to properly do the splits by the end of this year😄 it's something I've always wanted to be able to do but never could, even after going to gymnastics for almost eight years, I could still never quite do them.

  • I would like to get back into playing guitar again. Last year I felt like I hardly ever played guitar even though it's one of my absolute favourite things to do. I had plenty of time last year to just sit a play songs, but every time I had any sort of free time, I never really wanted to play the guitar so I would really like to try and find my passion for it again. For my 18th birthday, I was given a really beautiful electric guitar but I've still never properly sat down and used it because I had just lost most of my interest in playing guitar, so this year I really want to get back to playing.

  • I would love to read more this year. Near the middle/end of last year, I really got into reading books. Reading had been one of my favourite things to do when I was younger and it was also something I did a lot more when i was younger. Due to uni work/work/life in general, I had been struggling to find the time to read and I could never really be bothered starting a book as I had been finding it hard to get into different stories. After re-reading some books, I started wanting to read more books that I hadn't read before and this is something i want to continue to do. 

  • I would like to spend more time with friends and family this year at every chance I get. Last year I feel I kept making excuses to not see the people in my life that I care about. I'm not even really sure why, I just always felt like there was other things I had to be doing when in reality it wasn't anything that couldn't have waited. 

  • This year I want to do more things for myself - doing things I like to do just for the sake of it, saying yes more often to different things and not focusing too much worry on various uni deadlines (while still leaving plenty of time to get all work done). I would like to keep more on top of uni work too so that I don't stress myself out the night before. I'd like to also be able to stop worrying about things I can't control and learn to go with the flow more.

What are some things you hope to do this year?

Bye for now, xo


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