How To Beat Those January Blues

Throughout the years it has become apparent to me that January is perhaps my least favourite month; all the Christmas festivities and holiday joy have come to an end, you feel the urge to become really fit and healthy (especially after all the food that was consumed over the Christmas period!) because it's the new year, it's time to get back to the grind and focus on uni/school/work, not to mention the weather generally isn't the best. All these factors can often lead to feeling less than tip top. I've never really been a sufferer of "January Blues" (I only found out that this was a thing from googling "why am I feeling down when the year's just begun"๐Ÿ˜„). I think the January Blues have really hit me this year because as soon as the holidays ended, everyone in my family went back to work/school whereas I've still got a week off until I go back to uni. Meaning that on Monday morning I was all alone in an empty house for the first time in two weeks. I was really just feeling sorry for myself (I've also got an essay that I'm struggling to write due for the end of the month which hasn't been helping things๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜„). I feel a bit of a hypocrite writing this blog post because I definitely have not bet those January Blues just yet, but maybe writing a blog post will help me and anyone else who's been feeling down this January.

  • Watch your favourite Netflix shows or movies. I've recently started watching The Vampire Diaries and although I'm only on episode 7 of season one so far, I've really been enjoying it. Watching my favourite shows generally takes my mind off of things. I also love watching films for that same reason.
  • Reading a good book. I love reading and getting lost inside the worlds books create. I've recently finished reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which was so good! I had seen all the movies before reading the books but the books have helped me to understand the movies so much better so I'd recommend anyone who likes Harry Potter but hasn't read the books, to read them.
  • Seeing/chatting to friends. Nothing lifts my spirits than having a laugh with my friends. Even just messaging them is enough to make me smile with all the random things they say.
  • Go for a walk. I've actually quite gotten into walking recently. There's a lovely country road near to where I live surrounded by beautiful scenery. I found it really calming to get out of the house and go for a walk. Although I think this would also depend on the weather (unless you really don't mind what the weather is like!)
  • Think of things you are looking forward to. As I was writing this post, I was reminded that I've got two exciting things coming up this month that I've been looking forward to for a while!

  • Do the things you enjoy. For me, playing the guitar definitely lifts my mood for a while. But anything that you enjoy doing, you should definitely go ahead and do it! whether that's listening to your favourite music, eating your favourite food, going to a place you really enjoy, just anything!

Even just writing this blog has lifted my January Blues a little. I hope you're all feeling great this January and aren't letting any "January Blues" get you down!

Bye for now, xo


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