Motivational Monday // New Beginnings
A couple of months ago I started university. I had spent the last couple weeks of summer worrying about starting. Being a very shy person, I was mostly worried about meeting so many new people all at once and having to try and talk to all these new people. None of my friends were going to the same university as me and so I felt even more alone and worried. I’ve always found it very difficult to talk to new people and make conversations with people I don’t know so well. On that first day however, I was determined to try and appear more confident than I actually am.
The night before, I was a nervous wreck and could hardly sleep. I kept fearing the worst about every possible situation. When I first arrived at the university (after finding the right building) I stood alone and tried not to look as nervous and awkward as I felt. But as I stood waiting for my first ever lecture to start I realised that most of the other people there were standing by themselves too, trying to avoid eye-contact, and this made me realise that I wasn’t so alone in what I was feeling; most of the people there must’ve been feeling the same way. This was a whole new experience for almost everyone who was there.
So far, university life has felt hectic and a little lonely at times, but this is still just the beginning. New beginnings can be really scary at first but you just need to trust that you’re entering into the beginning of something amazing or something that’s right for you.
Don’t let new beginnings scare you out of doing the things you want. Chances are everyone has felt the same as you at one time or another when about to embark on a whole new adventure.
Bye for now, xo
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