Welcome to my blog!


Creating a blog has been something I've wanted to do for a long time. A few years ago I attempted to blog on Tumblr but as time went on I felt that using Tumblr was perhaps not the best blogging website to use. Writing about various things that interested me was something that I really enjoyed doing. I love to write and take pictures so what better than a blog to put those two hobbies together!

I never created a proper website type blog before because it was something that I was quite nervous to do but I've just decided to go for it as it is something that's been on my mind for over a year now. I'll be posting things like favourites, book reviews, motivational posts and pretty much anything else that comes to mind; pretty much all my little thoughts!

My main goal is to create a happy little space on the internet.

Bye for now, xo

(p.s, blogging on an actual website may take me a little time to get used to as I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to computers and technology, but hopefully over time my blog will look not too bad!)


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