Ten Things I've Learned In Lockdown

So, there’s no denying that since March things have felt pretty weird. We’ve all been through something that no other generation has ever experienced before. A whole country on lockdown due to a pandemic is something that I don’t think anyone would have predicted happening at the beginning of 2020. We’ve all had to adjust to a whole  new unfamiliar way of life as best as we collectively can and things haven’t always felt easy. 

Some days have been absolutely fine, don’t get me wrong, but of course there have been day’s (more so recently) where I’ve felt very isolated, anxious and cabin fevered. The true realisation of just how long it’s been since we were able to freely go where we pleased and see who we wanted has really just hit me this past week. I miss my friends and other family members who I’ve not been able to see. I’ve also been worrying about things going back to “normal” and what “normal” is even going to look like. After so many months spent with the same three people in my family, I’m worried about how my socially anxious self is going to cope with being thrust back out into the world. 

However, rather than focusing on all of that, I’ve had a think about the ways in which this lockdown hasn’t been the worst. For this post, I have decided to create a list of some of the little, random things that I have learned over these past few months. 

  1. Sometimes a hot chocolate is what's needed whenever you’re feeling down.  
  2. Spending a whole day reading or watching TV is not a waste of a day. 
  3. Any weight gained during this time (or any time at all really) is perfectly okay. 
  4. You don’t need to be productive every single day to have had a day well spent.
  5. But sometimes finding things to do - like tidying - can help distract from any feelings of worry or cabin fever. 
  6. Your car’s battery is likely to go flat if you haven’t driven it in a few months. 
  7. Going on bike rides is actually really fun, especially when the weather is nice. 
  8. Being outside, in the sunshine, is one of my favourite things ever. (And something I never thought I’d be saying considering how sensitive my skin used to be to the sun/heat!)
  9. Cutting the grass isn’t as difficult as I had always thought it was going to be. 
  10. Chocolate chunk peanut butter cookies are top tier cookies.

That’s 10 little things I have learned/discovered during the lockdown😄. Obviously I’ve discovered some bigger things - about myself and life in general - during this time, but I wanted to focus on and share the smaller things. 

What are some things you have discovered during this strange time?

Bye for now, xo


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