Movie Franchises To Watch
From what we have been watching recently, the idea of this blog post came to me - since we have some time for movies, I thought I’d share some movie franchises to give a watch if you’re looking for something to start.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter is one that I feel many people have grown up hearing about even if they’ve never seen any of the movies themselves. I’ve always loved the Harry Potter movies. I went to the cinema with my mum to see the last one when it came out which was amazing - it was like after all the years watching each movie, all of them building up to to last, what better way to end the franchise than watching it on the big screen. I think there’s something so nostalgic and magical about each of the movies. I watched the movies before I read any of the books so I’ve got no idea whether reading the books would have changed the way I feel about the movies - I’d like to think that I would still have loved the movies just as much nonetheless😄 I don’t have much to say on the whole Fantastic Beasts side of the Harry Potter movie universe because I’ve only seen the first film, but my favourite Harry Potter movies are probably ‘Prisoner of Azkaban’ and ‘Half Blood Prince’.
Marvel Cinematic Universe
I think at this point pretty much everyone has heard of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I only really got properly into the films this year. Previously, I didn’t understand the hype at all and had felt that these kinds of movies just weren’t really for me (shocking, I know, since I’m a self-professed ‘movie lover’). However, not too long ago my family and I began spending the evenings working our way through the movies. Having seen the movies, and become familiar with the characters and storylines, I now love all of the marvel movies. I’ve seen all of them now and I understand the hype now - it’s well deserved. One thing I wish I we had done would have been to watch the movies in the correct chronological order as we didn’t really understand the importance of this until it was too late. We’re now working our way through the movies in the correct order and certain parts make a lot more sense when watched in the order it was intended😄(however, there is some debate on which movies come when but you can get a general gist of them from each website). All of the movies themselves are great though. My favourites are probably Thor Ragnarok, Iron Man 3, Infinity War and Endgame and both of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.
Another Marvel movie franchise (that is not apart of the MCU) are all of the X-Men movies. It took me a little while to wrap my head around the X-Men movies as there are different timelines which make them a little confusing to begin with but if you don’t focus too much on all of the timeline stuff then it’s easy to just enjoy the movies themselves. X-men had been a movie franchise I’d heard of a lot throughout my life but had been one that I’d never really had an interest in watching. It was, again, only recently that I watched them all and I found I really enjoyed them. The casting choice is brilliant within the movies and I love the storylines in each movie and how they all tie together (even with the alternate timeline😄). My favourites are probably Days of Future Past, both Deadpool’s and Logan.
My favourite Transformers movie is actually the prequel 'Bumbleblee'. I went to the cinema to see it, not even knowing that it was a Transformers movie because I hadn't seen any of the others and had only went to go see Bumblebee because it had Hailee Steinfield in it. However, I have since seen the other movies (I like the first two more than the rest). The one thing I find about them is that they are a little samey-samey and the fight scenes can get quite long at times, but the movies are still worth a watch whether you're into those sorts of movies or are simply looking for something new to watch.
*For these next series of movies, I’m not too sure they would be considered a franchise but I’ve added them to this list anyway.
The Hunger Games
What are your favourite movie franchises?
Bye for now, xo
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