Let's Talk - Having Hobbies

Something which I have only recently given more thought and attention to is on the importance of hobbies and the impact they can have on your life. They give you something to do to take your mind off of work/uni/school related things and something that you really enjoy doing. Having hobbies can bring you joy and enrichment in life which is why I think that it's important to have them.

I recently finished a uni placement. It was really challenging but rewarding. However, while on placement, it felt like that's what my life had become. I'd be at placement from about 8am to sometimes 5pm and then I'd come home to get stuff ready for the next day. My weekends were spent working one day at my part time job and then the next day catching up on placement file work as well as planning resources and planning out for the week ahead - my life basically revolved around placement and doing work related things. I felt like I had no time for anything else. I wasn't taking any time to do anything for myself or for enjoyment.

Once placement came to an end, I had about two days free before going back to uni and then starting my next placement. During these two days, I decided to do some things that I enjoy such as reading more and playing guitar. As I did these things, I started realised how much I had missed just taking some time to do these things.

Life can get full-on at times with various deadlines, essays, assignments or work related things. It can get difficult to fit in some time to do the things you actually really enjoy but I think it's important that you do try to find the time.

I think probably everyone has a hobby/hobbies and I thought I'd also share some of mine here on my blog.

Playing guitar - This is probably one of my favourite things to do. I've been playing the guitar for almost 11 years now. I got my very first guitar for my 6th Birthday but since I couldn't properly play anything (and I didn't have the patience at the time to learn) I just didn't bother. Then when I was ten, I decided to give it another go. My dad plays guitar and so I grew up listening to him play and he taught me my first songs. When I was thirteen I started guitar lessons but I still much preferred just learning from dad. I went to lessons for about four years and now I just play whatever whenever. My favourite songs to play, at the moment, are 'Blackbird' by the Beatles (a typical one, I know😄), 'May You Never' by John Martyn and 'Hey Hey' by Eric Clapton.

Photography - I love how pictures capture little moments in time and when you look back at them it's like your transported back that time and place. Almost like a time machine!I really discovered my love for taking pictures while in France last year. I had gotten a new camera for my Birthday just before we left for France and I basically spent the month taking as many pictures as possible. Most of the pictures I had just taken as spur of the moment shots to capture little random moments of the trip. For Christmas this year, my parents got a book printed with lots of my pictures from that trip which meant I could see and keep a lot of the pictures all in the one place. My dad also got quite a few pictures printed to hang up in different places throughout the house. People who have visited have even made comments on the pictures which has been pretty cool too.

Drawing - I've always really enjoyed drawing (I used to have a whole instagram account to showcase my "art" and everything😄). I dropped art as a school subject after my third year of high school, but continued to draw whenever I felt like it while at home.

Reading - Of course reading is on the list. I feel like I talk about books and reading constantly on my blog, it genuinely is one of my favourite things to do though😄 I'm currently reading through the 'A Series of Unfortunate Events' books by Lemony Snicket as I have recently been enjoying the Netflix show and it reminded me that I never actually finished this book series when I was reading them when I was younger. I thought I'd give it a go this year - try and read them all. I'll probably read other books in between reading through this series as I remember the last time I tried to read all of the books, I got bored of the story by the tenth book as I had just been reading them continuously one after the other and I don't have the attention span for that😄. But I had enjoyed them to begin with when I was younger so I'm going to try reading them again.

Blogging - Blogging is something I really enjoy doing, especially whenever I've got the time to. I've been blogging for just over two years now and, if I'm honest, I mostly do it for myself. I create the posts that I'd enjoy reading and posts that I can look back on in years to come. Kind of like keeping a diary of sorts, only it's online and anyone can have a little read of all my little thoughts.

I feel it's important to make a conscious effort to do the things that you enjoy and that make you happy. Setting aside some time throughout the week to do your own things is definitely something that is needed within our hectic working worlds. Although I know this is something that, at times, simply becomes impossible as there are other things that need done first, however even setting aside ten minutes in your day to indulge in something you enjoy doing can be of great benefit. 

Sometimes you just need to set your work aside and do something you enjoy.

What are some things you enjoy doing?

Bye for now, xo


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