Motivational Monday // Believing in Yourself

So I know this is something that practically everyone will tell you at some point in your life, but it’s only recently that I’ve realised just how true it is: to believe in yourself and to say “I CAN” 

As I mentioned in another blog post, a few months ago now, I started university and with that brought many new experiences and challenges. Over these past few months I’ve had to do things that I honestly never fully believed I could. For example, I’ve had to go on a train and find my way around a not completely familiar place and start university all by myself. I know for most people, doing things like that is really no bother but for me, someone who is, at times, extremely shy and socially anxious, the thought of doing those things was very difficult and scary. 

Before doing all these new things, I spent my time constantly thinking “I can’t do this” “I can’t do that” “I can’t speak to people” “I can’t can’t can’t....” But when it came time to actually do those things, I found that actually I could and I did! Mostly because I really just had to in order to get on with things.

I managed to get on a train by myself and find my way to all the various university buildings I had to go to. I even managed to ask strangers whenever I felt unsure about something (like if I was on the right train or heading in the right direction) and even just that was something that I had believed I couldn’t do. But I did! 

I’ve managed to overcome many things that I genuinely believed I couldn’t do; even just small, every day, things. Instead of thinking “I can’t” I’ve started thinking “I can” (or at least trying to!)  It’s amazing how much something as simple as that can change the way you view a situation. 

So as this week begins, start thinking that “you can” and really start believing in yourself. You truly can do anything you set your mind to! 

Bye for now, xo


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